Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rune for a Home

Today I wanted to know the energy around  a home I'd seen - was it time to move?  My current home, on an inland lake has spectacular views of the water from every room except the one upstairs bathroom.  I can tell you there's nothing better than eating a leisurely brunch while looking out at the birds on the feeders and waves lapping at the rocks.

So I got out my trust bag of Runes and pulled first of all Laguz, then Jera, then reversed Wunjo.  So, certainly Laguz... flow... is where my heart lives.  I love the water in any form, and certainly want it where I live.  I have it in the home I live in now, and there was a fab view of Georgian Bay from the home I looked at this week.  It also tells me now it's a time for cleansing, and preparation and re-organization.

Jera is the harvest, and tells me that there is no rushing this decision, I must have patience and persevere.  Finally, Wunjo reversed gave me a little bit of a jolt just to see 'joy' reversed.  However, reversed it is a test and reinforces the need for patience and perseverance.

So, I believe this house is not the one, and my search will a little longer than I thought and will probably take me into the fall (harvest time).  I'll let you know how it goes.

If you'd care for a Rune reading of your own, visit us at

The Whispering Path

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Daily Rune-Mannaz

Mannaz-(Mah-nawz)  is the rune of humanity.

Simular to the tarot card The Magician.
  • clarity
  • creativity
  • intelligence
  • kindness
  • consideration
Mannaz is letting you know the energy surrounding you at this time is telling you to 'seize the day'.  Embrace life!  Accept the good and the bad.  Balance your mind, body and spirit.  

“If each man or woman could understand that every other human life is as full of sorrows, or joys, or base temptations, of heartaches and of remorse as his own . . . how much kinder, how much gentler he would be.”

 William Allen White

Order a rune reading  :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Daily Rune-Thurisaz

Thurisaz (Thoo-ee-sawz)  is the rune of chaos, evil and temptation.  Thurisaz means giant, evil, monster (devil).  A Thorn!  If ever there was a tarot card to be associated with a rune it would be The Devil to Thurisaz.  

When Thurisaz is your rune beware of:
  • temptation
  • evil
  • dishonesty
  • trickery
Power can corrupt if your heart is not honest and pure.  

The power of the rune Thurisaz can be used for good or for chaos.  

My Daily Rune-Fehu

I'm having a great time getting acquainted with my amethyst rune set.  My mother and father give me this set at Christmas but I have been too busy too work with them.  After, what I feel was, my disastrous reading this morning I decided to give my Mystic Dreamer tarot deck a well deserved rest and work with my runes. 

I love working with Amethyst.  I love the colour and the energy. 

My rune for the day is Fehu (Fay-who).  Fehu is an indication of:
  • wealth
  • success
  • strength
  • ownership
  • happiness
Fehu is the 1st of the rune set.  It can represent a new beginning. 

I believe my tarot cards were telling me to look 'outside the box', outside my comfort zone.  I took the time to relax and meditate and took out my runes.  Interesting enough, I picked Fehu for my rune of the day.  A new beginning.  :)

Email Wendy or Gaylle today for a rune or tarot reading today!  

What are Runes?

Runes are believed to have originated from a northern Etruscan alphabet from peoples who dwelt in northern Italy and then spread out into south-central Europe.

Runes performed 2 functions.  They imparted information with their inscribed symbols and they were used for divination and magic.

The name rune means 'a secret thing or a mystery'.

Runes can be made of wood, stones, bone, clay or glass.

I have found some great websites for you to check out if you are interested in more information on runes.

Runic divination or "rune casting" is not "fortunetelling" in the sense that one actually sees the future. Instead, runes give one a means of analyzing the path that one is on and a likely outcome. The future is not fixed. It changes with everything one does. If one does not like the prediction, one can always change paths.

Runes have been used in Britain since the Dark Ages. When the Romans abandoned Britain
around 450AD, waves of immigrants from Europe came and settled in this green and pleasant
land. The Friesians from the Netherlands, the Angles and Saxons from Germany, then the Jutes and Norsemen (Vikings) from Scandinavia.  They brought with them their set of ancient symbols known as the runes. Originally there were 24 runes and they are collectively known as "the Futhark".  People used runes for writing messages, inscriptions and epitaphs; as amulets and charms; as an oracle for use in divination; and for rituals, magic and spells.